White Ribbon Alliance Kenya (WRA Kenya) is a national people-led movement for women’s health and rights. Established in 2009 and registered as a local organization in 2017, we work to directly influence Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) 3 and 5, and to promote good health and gender equality broadly. Their unparalleled ability to mobilize the grassroots and link policy and technical agendas with citizen demands sets WRA Kenya apart from other conveners and coordinators. Cultivating meaningful relationships with decision-makers at all levels is critical for influencing priority agendas based on citizen demands. WRA Kenya has provided technical capacity to county and national government teams to incorporate citizen agendas in their policy plans and actions. WRA Kenya intentionally and powerfully leverages its presence in various multisector action coalitions to unify stakeholder voices for sexual reproductive maternal newborn and adolescent health (SRMNAH) advocacy.